Peripheral Neuropathy and Restless Leg Syndrome

By Dr. John A. Dettmer, DC

Are restless legs keeping you awake? You are not alone. Over 10% of the United States population (that’s more than five million people) may have a very real medical condition called Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

Patients often have trouble describing the symptoms of this syndrome. Sensations range in severity from uncomfortable to irritating to painful. It is a neurological disorder characterized by throbbing, pulling, creeping, crawling, burning or other unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable and sometimes overwhelming urge to move them.

Most people with RLS have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. A recent survey of people with this condition reported it took them more than 30 minutes to get to sleep. Sixty percent said they woke three or more times per night. Nearly 61% claimed they lacked energy and that their daily activities were disturbed. Another 60% reported they found it difficult to sit or relax.

Left untreated this condition causes exhaustion and daytime fatigue. It occurs in both men and women, although the incidence is nearly twice as high in women.

RLS can begin at any age; however, many individuals who are severely affected are middle aged or older. The symptoms typically become more frequent and last longer with age and they also occur or worsen when you are lying down, sitting, resting or relaxing for long periods of time.

Due to the lack of specific diagnostic laboratory tests, patient history is the primary means of diagnosing this syndrome. It often goes under or undiagnosed due to a lack of clinician awareness combined with the patient difficulty in describing symptoms.

At SpinalCare Physical Medicine our examination eliminates the guesswork. We look for underlying problems with nerves in the lower legs and feet and have found a common cause of RLS is often under-diagnosed small-fiber neuropathy.

If a RLS sufferer has small-fiber neuropathy, our care plans focus on rehabilitation of the nerves and reduction in the symptoms. This is accomplished with a non-invasive, drug-free, low-level light therapy which has been clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of RLS leading to better sleep and less pain.

Call us at 317-272-4100 and ask about a complimentary consultation. If you have RLS or Neuropathy, we may be able to help.


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