Good Posture Equals Good Health

By Dr. John Dettmer, DC

When your bones are properly aligned your muscles, joints and ligaments can work as nature intended.  Structural Correction is a proven method used to restore the body’s balance and function thus improving your health.

Without good posture, our overall health and total efficiency may be compromised.  The long term effects of poor posture can cause issues with your digestion, elimination, breathing, muscles, joints and ligaments.

Two factors are considered in structural correction— neurological factors such as nerves and structural factors including the body mechanics that set up the neurological factors.

When vertebral misalignments cause the spinal column to set forward at certain points it causes many effects.  Removing the stretch on the cord and brain relieves these effects for many conditions from disc issues to degenerative diseases.

At SpinalCare Physical Medicine, we focus on soft tissue rehabilitation which allows for reduced nerve and muscular tension while strengthening the muscles. Structural correction combined with proper head devises cause a shift of spinal distortions creating postural corrections.

Part of this process includes using vibration machines, wobble chairs and head devises.  Key to postural remodeling are two-way traction and body weighting. When coupled with vibration therapy, the muscles contract and relax at a rapid rate strengthening the muscles to conform to proper spinal posture.

The wobble chair is designed to isolate the lumbar spine so core training can take place.  The goals are simply to promote lumbar stability, muscular coordination and increase flexibility.  Using this equipment facilitates lumbar disc mobility, rehydration, nutrition delivery and waste elimination.

This pumping of nutrients and oxygen helps in healing and maintaining healthy disc structure.  It reduces stress in the low back and aids in the recuperation and prevention of injuries.  It rehydrates and inflates the lumbar discs and keeps them young and strong.  It also helps circulate cerebral spinal fluid which brings nutrients to the brain and spinal cord.

At SpinalCare Physical Medicine we know good posture equates to good health. Stop by or call us for a complimentary consultation to see how we can help you.  Call 317-272-4100 and tell our receptionist you read about structural correction on our website.


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